Friday, 25 October 2013

Latest News

Latest Nokia News

Did You know>>
Nokia Collabaration with Microsoft was that much successful that nokia was going to be wrecked by android and Apple but After Microsoft collabaration The New WP8 Phones came into existence which were almost able to defend nokia to some extent so that nokia can take clear ground.They have managed to hold out nokia in the battle of Smartphones and more than half of nokia Loss has been regain by the superior Lumia's.
Well If Microsoft somehow will be able to make their store to match the Play store or apple store than their is a great Possibility for Nokia to Beat Android and iOS & accordinhg to the latest figure bill Gate is investing a lot in windows store and atleasts 500 apps are added daily and store is updating with a rapid pace and if it keeps its speed after 2 years it will Outmatch androids and iPhones.
We Hope To See That Day Soooonnn..

HOW to Jailbreak Nokia

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